Flyer | Posters
Lions Club Saxonia Leipzig, Chava Pressburger im Ariowitsch-Haus e.V., Hofatelier Weimar Niedergrunstedt e.V.
Flyers, leaflets, posters: there are different ways of communicating information about an opening, a concert or an initiative to an audience. Print and online strategies do not have to be mutually exclusive – in fact, they can supplement each other nicely, with the design adapted to the respective medium’s requirements.
For the first time ever, Lions Club Leipzig Saxonia is organising a piano competition in cooperation with Edition Peters and Grieg Begegnungsstätte in 2020. We designed a leaflet with 8 pages, 10.5 x 21 cm each, to reach potential participants by distributing them in musical schools, piano schools etc.
We designed a poster DIN A2 for “Chava Pressburger – Impressionen in Papier” that drew attention to the exhibition on site as well as in other environments frequented by a crowd with an interest in art.
For the exhibition JAPANBILDER at Hofatelier, we created a leaflet with 4 pages, 10.5 x 21 cm each, to rouse the curiosity of interested parties by mailing out a digital and a print copy of compact information on the exhibition and accompanying programme at Hofatelier Weimar Niedergrunstedt, as well as of the book. The leaflet’s design mirrored some of the book’s design features, including fonts, shapes and colours.